analyzing “The Little Mermaid “ by Ni Made Rasmini

           The Little Mermaid ( Rob Marshall - 2023) 

 “The Little Mermaid,'' directed by Rob Marshall, released in 2023, and screenwritten by David Magge and Jane Goldman. offers a contemporary retelling of the classic tale that balances adventure, love, and self-discovery. This blog post will delve into the feminist theory analysis of the film, examining gender roles and stereotypes.


The Little Mermaid tells the story of a mermaid with a thirst for adventure named Ariel. She is the youngest daughter of King Triton who is full of courage and is curious about the world above the sea. The mermaid who has red hair and blue eyes then visits the surface of the sea and falls in love with the charming Prince Eric.

Meanwhile, according to the rules of the sea kingdom, mermaids are actually prohibited from interacting with humans.However, Ariel prefers to follow her heart's desires and break the rules. Ariel then makes a pact with an evil sea witch named Ursula for a chance to live on land. A deal that endangered his life and his father's kingdom.

Feminist Theory analysis

 Theme : Sacrifice, Love, and courage
 The Little Mermaid raises the theme of sacrifice and love because it tells the story of Ariel's journey, who is willing to sacrifice everything, including her voice and the life of her mermaid, for the sake of her love for Prince Eric and she takes a big risk in the same way. exchanging her voice with a sea witch so she can live as a human and be with Eric. This story also uses the theme of courage. Ariel shows courage by taking huge risks to achieve his dreams and love. Ariel not only challenges the norms of the underwater world, but also confronts an evil sea witch for the chance to become human and be with Prince Eric.


  • Ariel 
Physical characteristics: Long red hair, blue eyes, mermaid tail
Traits: Passionate, independent, brave, strong and loving. has a great desire to explore the human world and seek adventure. 

  • Prince Eric

Physical characteristics: Usually depicted as a handsome young man with brown hair.
Traits: Brave, kind, and firm.

  • Ursula
Physical characteristics: a fat witch with white hair and a large black oyster shell on her back.
Traits: Cunning, evil, manipulative, and full of deceit.  

  • King Triton 

Physical characteristics: old man with white beard and royal crown.
Traits: Strong, wise, and full of compassion. King Triton loves his daughter Ariel very much and feels his responsibility as a king to protect his sea kingdom.

  • Flounders
Physical characteristics: Small yellow fish with blue fins.
Traits: Funny, loyal, and affectionate. Flounder is Ariel's best friend who always supports her even though she is sometimes afraid of Ariel's adventures.

  • Sebastian
Physical characteristics: Small crab with bright red color.
Traits: Smart, careful, and dedicated. Sebastian is a loyal palace guard and often acts as Ariel's advisor, although sometimes impatient with Ariel's recklessness.

Gender Role :

The Little Mermaid" critically examines traditional gender roles:

  • Ariel: Challenges traditional expectations by pursuing her personal dream to explore the human world, despite her father expecting her to adhere to the role of an obedient princess. This shows her ambitions and desires that are not constrained by stereotypical gender expectations.
  • Ursula: Portrayed as a strong and ambitious character who uses her power to achieve her goals, presenting a depiction of a woman in a position of power that is not always viewed negatively.
  • Prince Eric: Begins as a classic hero who must rescue Ariel but evolves into someone who appreciates Ariel's bravery and decision to pursue her dreams. He respects Ariel's independence and becomes a supportive partner who values her strength.

Gender Seteorytype :

  • Ariel's decision to leave her life under the sea for love with Prince Eric reinforces the stereotype that women often prioritize romantic relationships over their own personal needs.
  • Prince Eric's transformation from a classic hero to a supporter of Ariel's independence shows that masculinity can be defined beyond physical strength.
  • Ursula demonstrates that women can have ambition and power without being portrayed as inherently evil or untrustworthy, challenging the stereotype that ambitious women always have hidden motives or malicious intentions.


Gender equality :

Gender equality in the story of The Little Mermaid is shown by Ariel, a mermaid who lives exploring the human world and pursuing her love. Throughout her journey, Ariel not only finds love in the form of Prince Eric, but also finds the strength within herself to pursue her dreams and determine her own destiny. Ariel and Eric's relationship in this film is not just romantic, but also shows equality between them, where they both support and inspire each other on their journey. Ariel is not just a character who is dependent on men, but is a character who has the determination and desire to determine her own destiny, reflecting a strong message of gender equality but Ariel, as the main character, is often not understood or appreciated by the people around her. He is considered disobedient because of his desire to explore the human world. This reflects how women are often limited by rigid societal.  

Moral Value : 

  • Loyalty and Friendship 
The friendship between Ariel and Flounder and Sebastian shows the importance of loyalty and support in friendly relationships.They are always there for Ariel, helping her in difficult situations.

  • Sacrifice 

Ariel is willing to sacrifice her voice to get a chance to live in the human world. This sacrifice illustrates that sometimes we need to give up something of value to achieve a greater.

  • Courage and Determination

Ariel shows great courage in pursuing her dream of living in the human world. He dared to face risks and challenges to achieve his goals, teaching us not to be afraid to take big steps to make our dreams come true. 


"The Little Mermaid" is not only entertaining but also conveys important messages about love, sacrifice and female empowerment. Through feminist theory analysis of characters like Ariel reveals how they face gender challenges and struggle for independence and identity. This is a powerful reminder of the importance of recognizing the strength and determination of women in determining their own destiny.
